In My Mess

In My Mess is an installation that features a machine tangled in its own cables, suspended in the corner of a room. The machine is composed of sensory apparatus mounted on an acrylic plate, equipped with a motorized arm, a buzzer, and two light bulbs. It responds dynamically to its surroundings, using microphones, a light-dependent resistor, and a proximity sensor to measure the conditions of its environment.

The motorized arm moves in three distinct patterns, triggered by sound and the proximity of a person to the machine. These movements can interrupt or repeat each other, creating more complex and intricate patterns. As the arm moves, its attached cables whip against walls and a table, producing sounds that are picked up by the machine's microphones. These sounds create feedback loops that further modify its behaviour, and in its chaotic movements, the machine runs the risk of unplugging itself, essentially "killing" its own operation.

The machine’s lights also respond to its environment: one light flashes in response to louder sounds, while the second, suspended above, operates on a timer, alternately casting the machine in bright light or into darkness. When darkness falls, the machine emits a high-pitched screech from its buzzer; in light, the buzzer hums with melodic, comforting tones.

This installation is designed to produce unpredictable feedback loops. One element triggers another, setting off a chain reaction of cause-and-effect within the system. The machine's behaviour is closely related to its environment, responding to external sounds, variations in light, and human presence. Through these interactions, In My Mess creates a shifting interplay between machine autonomy and environment.