Feed Machine

The Feed Machine is a project that explores the concept of a self-sustaining machine capable of feeding itself through a dispensing mechanism. The project was originally designed to question whether self-sufficiency in artificial systems might hint at a form of consciousness.

At its core, the machine consists of a mixture of yeast and water placed at the bottom of a glass vase. A sensor continuously monitors the humidity of the mixture. When the humidity drops below a predetermined threshold, sugar is automatically dispensed into the vase by a motorized mechanism above. This setup forms a fusion of biochemical, electrical, and mechanical interactions, with the biochemical activity of the yeast prompting the machine's movements and responses.

In addition to regulating its own feeding process, the machine interacts with its environment. It’s equipped with a robotic arm that waves when someone approaches, responding to human presence while it “feeds” itself. The project merges living biochemical processes with mechanical systems, creating an autonomous machine from organic matter.

Feed Machine